We are beyond heartbroken to report that professional freeskier, devout father and our dear friend Dave Treadway has passed away while skiing in the Pemberton, B.C. backcountry.

Photo by Oskar Enander
While the precise details surrounding his tragic death are still somewhat unconfirmed, according to reports, Dave was skiing in Rhododendron Mountain area, when a snow bridge collapsed underneath him, causing him to fall into a crevasse.

Photo by Blake Jorgenson
It’s impossible to convey how important and integral Dave was to the sport of skiing, and to us at Forecast since our publication’s inception. He appeared in numerous stories each year (including three in volume four), wrote a handful himself, never hesitated to say yes to a trip, consistently and enthusiastically pitched us on creative ideas, and was the most prolific mainstay in our photo gallery. We can't imagine an issue without him, and while we’re still attempting to process this devastating news, we will without question be paying due tribute to him in our upcoming volume.

Photo by Reuben Krabbe
But as inspiring of a figure as Dave was on skis, it paled in comparison to how he was as a person. To say that Dave was one of the good ones simply wouldn’t do him justice. He was kind, caring, loving, thoughtful and attentive, and had a way of making you feel like you were the only thing in the world when he listened. He was rarely, if ever, without a twinkle in his eye, especially when he spoke of his family, and he didn’t have a bad or mean bone or blood cell in his body. But above all else, Dave’s biggest, best and most important passions were his faith and his family, whom he loved in a way that could not be measured, which was well-documented by Forecast and others during their nomadic exploits as the Free Range Family, which allowed his young sons to experience an adventurous and unique upbringing that other parents could only dream of having the heart and freedom to provide.

Photo by Bruno Long
As a result, our deepest and sincerest condolences, thoughts, prayers and love go out to his wife Tessa, sons Kasper and Raffi, and their unborn child during this difficult time. We love you Dave, and we will never forget you. Rest In Peace. —Jeff Schmuck