In partnership with Matchstick Productions, Kye Petersen has released the third episode of The Sacred Grounds short film series presented by Marker, which takes the cast from their backyard of the southern Coast Range of British Columbia to the far reaches of the Northern B.C.-Alaska border, the Japanese Alps, the Columbia ranges of Interior B.C., the southern Chilcotin Mountains, and beyond.
Petersen & Co. are excited to share these adventures into undiscovered zones and “sacred grounds” that hold the best possible terrain and environments for displaying their passion for skiing. The mountains provide us with so many blessings, but can also take it all away in an instant. For this, respect is due, a lifetime of dedication is needed, and a whole lot of effort is required, all of which is rewarded when it all comes together.
Part 4 of this series, Descension, is stacked with the biggest spine lines and mid-line tricks we’ve seen yet in this series, enormous landscapes unique to the Southern Coast Mountains of B.C., and a narration with a fresh view on preserving adventure in hopes of concealing info of exact locations to leave unknowns for future generations to explore. Filmed over three days in the backcountry of Pemberton, B.C. and the Squamish Valley on big walls and spine zones full of heavy slough, steep runnels and a touch of exposure. Get ready, sit back and enjoy the ride into more Sacred Grounds.
Skiing by: Kye Petersen, Flo Goeller, Callum Pettit, Matty Richard
Produced by: Kye Petersen
Post Produced by: Steve Hendo
Edited by: Tommaso Tagliaferri
Cinematography by: Anthony Vitali & Bryan Smith
Drone Work by: Flynn Aerials
Colour Correction by: Alimzhan Sabir
Safety Coordination by: Rupert Davies & Simon Thompson
Helicopter Operations by: Blackcomb Helicopters
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