One of, if not the most iconic freeskier of all time, Tanner Hall, has released the aptly named Triumph, a film by himself and Corey Stanton and presented by Armada. This powerful short piece follows Tanner as he returns to top form during the 2017/2018 season, while discussing all of the struggles and triumphs that brought him to where he is today. The film is peppered with nostalgic flashbacks to some of the most memorable moments and classic hits in Tanner's career, and intertwined with him returning to some of those same spots, where he proceeds to in some cases step it up, and in others, achieve some well deserved redemption. Triumph is one of the must-watch films of the year for any freeskier, and we'd like to take the time to salute Tanner for everything he has done and continues to do for the sport, along with being one of the most important and influential people to ever strap on a pair of skis.
Skiing by: Tanner Hall, Pat Goodnough, John Spriggs

Filming by: Corey Stanton, Brady Perron, Nate Cahoon