At 13-years-old, Sam Tierney was in a dark place. His climate anxiety was getting so bad he was having trouble sleeping at night. In an attempt to ease his stress, Sam writes professional skier and climate advocate, Mike Douglas, asking for advice. Seeing his younger self in Sam, Mike invites him on a weekly ski meet-up to talk about climate, skiing, and life.

Skiing by: Sam Tierney and Mike Douglas
Directed & Edited by: Mike Douglas
Executive Produced by: Bruno Bertrand, Bruno Laroque, Ben Aidan, Jake Black, Dave Erb
Produced by: Anthony Bonello, Mike Douglas, Susie Douglas
Cinematography by: Anthony Bonello, Mike Gamble
Music by: MusicBed
Visual Effects by: Blair Richmond
Sound Design & Mix by: Jeff Yellen
Poster Design by: Max Young
Supported by: Salomon & Protect Our Winters

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