In the heart of the Teton Mountains, a close-knit community of ski guides thrives on mentorship, camaraderie, and pushing the limits of alpine adventure. A new generation of modest yet visionary skiers is emerging in the Tetons, redefining the role of ski guides and the possibilities of self-propelled skiing in the mountains. As the old guard and the new generation cross paths, Episode 2 of KGB Productions' Peaks & Passages presented by Flylow offers a thought-provoking exploration of the timeless quest for adventure, the irresistible allure of the alpine, and the changing perspectives on risk, all set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Tetons.

Produced by: KGB Productions
Presented by: Flylow Gear
Supported by: Highpoint Cider
Director & DP: Chris Kitchen
High Angle Cameras: Fred Marmsater, Erich Roepke, Nathaniel Murphy
Editor & Colour: Ryan Brim
Mountain Guides: Morgan McGlashon, Zahan Billimoria, Aaron Diamand, Adam Fabrikant, Lynne Wolfe, Nathaniel Murphy

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