In the first episode of Peaks and Passages, a new video series by KGB Productions and supported by Flylow, skiers and filmers/photographers Sophie Danison and Leslie Hittmeier talk about mentorship, community, and chasing your dreams—despite how impossible that may seem from the get go. The episode was shot last winter in Cooke City, Montana, and also includes shots on location in Canada.
In the episode, Danison and Hittmeier talk about how the field of ski filming and photography used to be a lot more closed off—people didn’t share information or welcome newcomers like they do now. “In the time that we’ve grown our careers, we’ve been really lucky to find a bunch of quality, amazing mentors,” Hittmeier says in the episode. “There’s a wealth of information sharing in our field, as long as you have community. And we’re lucky enough to have it.” Adds Danison, “It’s so huge to be on a team with people who believe in you.”