Peace Lily is a new film by Dylan Siggers and Jake Strassman presented by Line Skis, starring Siggers, Liam Morgan, Zak Mousseau, Steve Reed, Josh Herbert, Mitchell Brower, Johan “Sleepy” Lovey, Julius Champion and Jessy Desjardins.
Supported by: Line Skis, Stellar Equipment, Fernie Alpine Resort
Filmed by: Jake Strassman
Additional Filming: Liam Morgan, Nick Nault, Sophie Perrault, Marcus Ahlstrom, Connor Clayton and Dylan Siggers.
Photography by: Steve Reed
Colour by: by Aaron Larocque
Gia Margaret - For Zoya in China
PUP - Pup The Band Inc. Is Filing for Bankruptcy
Great Grandpa - Dark Green Water
Say Hi - Hooplas Involving Circus Tricks
Kevin Frank - Interlude Guitar
Modest Mouse - Trailer Trash