Meet The Coterie and their New Movie

Who is the behind The Coterie? Good question. Answer: Nicky Keefer, Steve Stepp, Lupe Hagearty, Dylan Manley, Kevin Brower, John Kutcher, Jonah Williams, Quinn Wolferman and Mitchell Brower with Jacob Callaghan, Mark Kogelmann, and Boaz La Bleu behind the scenes. Their action-packed trailer puts them on the docket as one of this year's must-watch movies. 

From The Coterie on Vimeo: 

We Trust Your Judgment is a filmmaker’s perspective reflecting the simple joys and hard work found in the process of creating a ski film. You don't always get what you planed but in the end the memories are all that matter. Join The Coterie crew as they tumble down mountains in Japan, make new friends in Korea and ski the snow filled streets of New England, while enjoying the little things along the way.

Follow us: Instagram @wearethecoterie / Facebook

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