In partnership with The North Face, we’re proud to release a thought-provoking short film, The Transformers, which follows professional skier Alex Armstrong as she joins the founder of Indigenous Women Outdoors, Myia Antone, for a profound learning experience in the alpine and waterways surrounding Squamish, British Columbia, where the latter shares the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation’s history of how the X̱aays brothers transformed beings and objects into stone—creating some of the Sea-to-Sky region’s most iconic peaks.
Presented by: The North Face
Featuring: Myia Antone, Alex Armstrong, Char Williams
Shot on Location at: Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation, B.C.
Executive Produced by: Jeff Schmuck
Produced by: Alex Armstrong & Myia Antone
Cinematography by: Maxwell Horner
Additional Cinematography by: Jeremy Allen
Edited by: Clayton Larsen
Photography by: Jeremy Allen
Special Thanks to: Indigenous Women Outdoors, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation, St’a7mes School, Squamish Canoe Rental, The Full Time Hobby