The city of Calgary, Alberta has announced that they have secured the exclusive Canadian rights to host X Games.

Photo by Eddie Perlas / ESPN Images
The agreement, which is good for three years and will see X Games Calgary take place from 2020 through 2022, is subject to securing corporate sponsorship, and will see the city invest $1.8 million per year in the event, while the province has committed $13.5 million over the three-year span.

While dates and discipline-related details for the event itself are still to be announced, it’s been revealed that the Stampede Grandstand will serve as the venue for a stadium-style big air, with WinSport Canada’s Olympic Park acting as the likely venue for superpipe and slopestyle.

Photo by Phil Ellsworth / ESPN Images
X Games Calgary will be the latest location in X Games’ newest global expansion effort, which in addition to its marquee winter and summer events in Aspen and Minneapolis, includes a winter/summer hybrid event in Norway, a summer event in Sydney, and recently announced winter and summer events in China, which are set to kick off later this year.

Photo by Eric Lars Bake / ESPN Images
Stay tuned for additional info as this story develops, and more on X Games, visit xgames.com.