Re-Rooted, a documentary film that aims to explore an important issue to skiers in the Pacific Northwest, the region’s temperate rainforests, is aiming to win a 50K grant to help make this production come to life.

The film, which is produced by our friend and colleague Ross Reid, will offer a look the rainforests’ history, the current threats they face, and how we as a society can go about improving their health and managing them better for future commercial, recreational, cultural, social, ecological, environmental and wildlife purposes.

Re-Rooted is currently participating in a Storyhive funding round for a shot at winning $50K to make this film come to life, and we at Forecast would like to take the time to strongly encourage you to show your support. To do so, simply click here and give Re-Rooted a vote, so that we can all help get this important story out there.

For information more on Re-Rooted, visit

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