4FRNT Skis has promoted Dan Cardon to Brand Manager effective immediately. Dan will be taking on all of the current responsibilities of Matt Sterbenz, 4FRNT’s founder and current Brand Director.
After 16 years at the helm, Sterbenz will be stepping down from this position Monday to begin serving as General Manager of Wintersports for an advanced materials company, Checkerspot.
“I’m proud to have worked with everyone on our talented team over all these years and couldn’t be more stoked for where the brand is today,” says Sterbenz. “4FRNT is financially stronger and more stable in all aspects of business than ever before. Knowing it’s in good hands and seeing a bright future for the brand, I finally feel comfortable walking away to focus on furthering my professional growth beyond the business I started 16 years ago.”
Jason Levinthal & Matt Sterbenz
4FRNT owner Jason Levinthal is very understanding of Sterbenz’s decision, being that Levinthal himself resigned from the brand he founded, Line Skis. “I have immense respect for the 16 years of hard work and determination Matt put into building this great brand,” says Levinthal. “It was a blast working together with him over the past year, setting 4FRNT on a new and improved course that will provide it with unprecedented stability, and a successful future. As hard as it is to see Matt go, I’m happier seeing him leverage all of his experiences to catapult his career beyond skiing. I assure you that the DNA Matt wove into the soul of this brand will continue on, regardless of the team executing the work.”
Levinthal, the industry veteran who acquired the 4FRNT brand just over a year ago says, “Dan has done an amazing job as Marketing Manager overseeing our intense re-brand and high paced digital marketing campaigns over the past year. These initiatives were key ingredients in our ability to literally triple our direct to consumer sales in only six months. It goes without saying Dan’s a very strong skier with great respect for our athletes' role in developing and promoting the products that enable us all to continue to progress the sport. I’m confident he will foster 4FRNT’s future growth by reinforcing the brand’s unique position in the market, as demonstrated by this week’s launch of our new, cutting edge, direct to consumer website at”