Rob “Bert” Heule is a bit of renaissance man. Known primarily for his highly unique and stylish skill set while sliding downhill on two planks of wood, Bert has consistently showcased the act of expressing pure joy on snow over the course of his seasoned career, all while refreshingly marching to the beat of his own drum. But to say he’s just a skier simply wouldn’t do this eclectic individual justice. A thinker and creator at heart, from his work in front of and behind the lens in various film projects and segments, to designing and hand-stitching backpacks and gloves for his very own brand, Rad Packs, to working closely on product development with the ones that support him (which includes the likes of The North Face, Line and others), to his simplistic and stunning photography, Heule is a man of many talents.

Photo by Travis Persaud
Heule has been shooting photos for fun for many a moons, and since everyone could use something to make them smile these days, we’ve asked him to select some of his favourites that he's shot on film, along with sharing the fond memories behind them. Enjoy.

Morning view from the sit down only pee toilet at Selkirk Lodge.

Shapes that the mountains make have given me a whole new love for skiing. I’m very thankful to have a snowmobile to access the alpine, where the wind sculpts the snow into a natural terrain park. My good friend John snapped this frame of me, after we decided to park the sleds and opt for the skins at the bottom of a hill we didn’t quite have the thumb strength to climb.

A curious Alaskan moose, on a film trip to Anchorage with Voleurz many years back.

A spontaneous early morning helicopter flight from the bottom of the Bow Valley in Canmore, Alberta, to the top of Ha Ling peak. Brady and John contemplate how to sling and fly down frozen trail building equipment that was left up in the alpine a little too long.

Typical Japan. Sign me up. Always. The nice thing about taking pictures of your buddies from below, is the getting below them first.

Very thankful to have a guy like Eric Pollard designing skis for Line. Thanks for helping us surf the snow, and put a signature on the landing.

Putting my Christmas light hanging skill set to use while Jay surfs the wave below from a bird’s eye view.

Which way is the snow? Cause that lake is definitely not frozen. An alpine start en route to a summer trip up Canada’s 49th highest peak, Mount Joffre.

Nothing like a glacial-fed pond skim to cool down after a hot day of skiing under “The Horn”. Skier: Luzi

A foggy spring day at Whistler Blackcomb. Mack Jones waiting patiently for the cloud to burn off.

It’s always fun to spend the night on a glacier, especially with your friends, in Switzerland. It’s such a contrast to see a place that is so alive with action during the day, be so calm and peaceful once all the skiers pack up and go home.

It’s hard to have a bad day when you bring a cooler. This “Little Oscar” by Coleman held plenty of goodies while we were waiting for the sun to pop out, while we were shooting a pump track at Sunshine Village.

Every January I go on a ski trip with my Dad and all his buddies. They’re all in their mid 60s to early 70s. It’s really inspirational to be out with a group of friends like this, that have been finding joy skiing together and spending time in the mountains for so many years. My biggest goal right now is to be able to ski my whole life, and into my old age.

More skis that have dodged the dreaded trip to the landfill, and have found a new calling as privacy makers.

Two of my favourite summer activities. Riding up logging roads, and finding some snow that hasn’t melted yet. It’s so nice to take advantage of the longer days, and be able to watch the sunrise, and sunset.

Sami knows how to camp. Outdoors > Indoors.