Here's a behind-the-scenes look at KSM Collective's Intersection Video

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Dropping in 3, 2, 1... Photo: Travis Persaud

“Dude, maybe this is the ticket to doing motowhips on skis,” jokes Dylan Siggers, holding a hefty camera rig.

Siggers, representing the S of KSM, is one third of a team of filmmakers/producers rounded out by Kalum Ko and Zac Moxley. The electronics he has in hand have a worth in the neighbourhood of $20,000, and the plan is for him to go off of Whistler’s notorious Shack Left jump beside Dean Bercovitch for some dreamy, stabilized trickery.

The shot worked. Celebrations were had. Upon reviewing the footage around a table in Blackcomb’s Rendezvous Lodge, Siggers puts forth the idea that the clip could be the ender for the video. He turns to ask my thoughts and I readily share my enthusiasm.

“You better not fuck us this,” he retorts sternly before cracking a smile and laughing.

Shortly after, Siggers and company stepped back outside for another attempt at the shot only to come up short on the jump. Profanities were shouted and camera parts were picked up, but that’s another story for another day. For now, see below for a quick chairlift lap with Siggers and Ko.

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A story for another time. Photo: Travis Persaud

So what is this rig that we’re looking at?
Dylan: A MoVI M10 with an Sony FS7 on it and a mic rig strapped to it. It’s Moxley’s camera and then someone leant us the MoVI. I’ve never even met him and he’s letting me jump off these jumps with his MoVI—which is a little wild.

Walk me through your week.
Dylan: This is the last day. First day, we day we had half the team. Me and Zak Mousseau weren’t here yet. Kalum and Moxley went out with Dave Treadway and got some sweet drone clips. The first three days of me being here, we basically got no footage. We’d go sledding and get stuck and suck at it. There was a day when we got one landed shot. Out of ten attempts on pillow lines, one was landed. The snow was just so deep and you’d land up to your neck and tomahawk. I’m not super good on my sled, especially when I’m tandeming and trying to break trail.

Or when it’s this deep? I was talking to Parker White from The Big Picture crew yesterday and he said he felt like it was his first time snowmobiling a couple of times this week.
Dylan: That makes me feel better about myself…because we were struggling so hard. It wasn’t clockwork, but that makes me feel better that it wasn’t for everyone.

Related: Go behind-the-scenes of The Big Picture's Intersection edit 

They were struggling as well.
Dylan: And they’re the masters.

Yeah, Parker told me yesterday that it was too much snow.
Dylan: "Yeah. We were up at Brandywine, which is one of my favourite places in the world, and I’m like, “I’m having a horrible day. How can you have such a bad day in a place like this?” It was really stressful. There were multiple times when we all wanted to quit. There was a time when Kalum wanted to quit.

Kalum: I broke two cameras. First day, someone formatted one of my hard drives. Luckily it’s backed up, but it’s going to be a bit of a hassle to reconnect. We had a day that was just puking up the Hurley and my FS700 screen stopped working. Next, my A7S monitor got completely fried. It’s been tough managing that stuff.

Dylan: So Kalum started packing, but by that time we had the intro edited and it turned out so good, so he was like “Ugh, I gotta stay.”

Did you guys plan your concept in advance?
Dylan: Not really. We did a few conference calls and finally Kalum was just like “Should we do a Planet Earth video?” Yes.

Is this your first time doing Intersection?
Dylan: No. The last time we did this we got our asses kicked by The Manboys.

There’s no shame in losing to The Manboys.
Dylan: Then I found out who they were and started watching their shit and was like “These guys are my heroes.”

Dylan you ski and film, so have you been more on the film side or the ski side?
Dylan: I’ve been skiing mostly, then cutting, writing, scripting at night. Zac’s mom has been the most helpful. She wakes up like an hour and a half before work so she can make us breakfast and lunches before we go sledding.

Kalum: It’s like staying in a heli-lodge.

Dylan: We come home and there’s like four different kinds of snacks, three different kinds of dinner.

She sounds like the team MVP. Thanks, boys! 

Scroll through the gallery below for a behind the scenes look at KSM Collective's shenanigans in Whistler, and don't miss their video this Friday night at Intersection during the World Ski & Snowboard Festival. For more info on the event and to purchase tickets, visit

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