With some welcomed snow beginning to blanket them thar hills, and ski movies premieres galore getting you stoked for the season, it’s time for a look at the second issue of volume five of Forecast, which is currently available in ski shops and on newsstands across Canada.

First thing first, as always, is the cover, which showcases Josh Daiek going off the deep end in the Lake Tahoe, California backcountry, as shot by the talented Ming Poon.
Here’s a preview of what’s inside…

Being cold and wet sucks, regardless of the time of year. But in the winter, it can prompt even the best of us to make a premature break for the hot tub on a pow day. Fear not, though, Forecast’s 2020 Outerwear Guide will shine a light on the best ways to stay warm and dry—until last chair.

Mike Hornbeck in Duluth, Minnesota. Photo by Erik Seo
A retrospective look at one of freeskiing’s most beloved production companies, Level 1, whose latest offering, Romance, will serve as its final annual feature-length film.

Long Lake Ski Hill, Alberta. Photo by Kari Medig
Photographer Kari Medig road trips from Edmonton to Winnipeg to document the unique and quaint nature of the people who ski the Prairies.

Evan McEachran. Photo by Guy Fattal
In addition to the above, you’ll also find profiles on Evan McEachran and The Blondes, stories on the past, present and futures of Whitecap Alpine and Panorama Mountain Resort, a chance to win a pair of poles, a set of goggles and a helmet from Scott Sports in a contest in conjunction with Dane Tudor, and a whole lot more.

Whitecap Alpine, B.C. Photo by Bruno Long
Look for Issue 5.2 of Forecast in your local ski shop and on newsstands across Canada now, and to subscribe, click here.